2. Ophelia & Maxi är en homage till huvudkaraktärerna i min roman ”Ofelias Förbjudna Färger”. Tanken var först att göra texten ännu mer som en berättelse, som fokuserade främst på Ofelia, men Maxi (kaxig som han är), tog över showen. Även denna låt handlar (precis som boken) om en förbjuden affär (och med en åldersskillnad för att förstärka makttemat ytterligare) men som ändå utvecklar huvudkaraktärerna på deras själsliga resa mot ett liv som passar dem bättre än det de har idag.
2. Ophelia & Maxi is an homage to the main characters in my novel "Ofelias Förbjudna Färger." Initially, the idea was to make the lyrics more like a story focusing mainly on Ophelia, but Maxi (being the bold character he is) ended up stealing the show. Like the book, this song is about a forbidden affair (with an age difference to further emphasize the power dynamics), but it also explores how this relationship develops the characters on their spiritual journey toward a life that suits them better than the one they currently have.
Her name was Ophelia
Then she fell for him
His name was Maxi
Was married and untamed
He was a passionate but dangerous man
Bella, te voglio
He whispered in her ear
In perfect Italian
All the words she wanted to hear
He was a passionate but dangerous man
Secret meetings in the night
At countryside and Rome
Her husband was out getting drunk
His wife was waiting at home
L’art pour l’art could be a dangerous game
He searched her body
He took her from low, low to high
Felt like this with nobod’
Appreciated and fine
He was a passionate but dangerous man
Bella, piacere
His fingers on her soft skin
Bella, piacere
Please, Ophelia let me come in
He was a passionate but dangerous man
Secret meetings in the night
At countryside and Rome
Her husband was out getting drunk
His wife was waiting at home
L’art pour l’art could be a dangerous game
Made her feel, feel like
She was loved for the first time
In the night he cried out
L'art pour l'art, Bella
Bella, Bella, pour l’art, Bella
Bella, te voglio
He whispered in her ear
In perfect Italian
All the words she wanted to hear
His fingers on her soft skin
Bella, piacere
Please, Ophelia let me come in
He was a passionate but dangerous man
Secret meetings in the night
At countryside and Rome
Her husband was out getting drunk
His wife was waiting at home
L’art pour l’art could be a dangerous game
Made her feel, feel like
She was loved for the first time
In the night he cried out
L'art pour l'art, Bella
Made her feel, feel like
She was loved for the first time
In the night he cried out
L'art pour l'art, Bella
Album: Blue Obsessions
Year: 2024
Lyrics: GINAxC
Music: Generated & GINAxC
Vocals: Generated
Mastering & Editing: GINAxC © Copyright GINAxC