7. He Needs a Lover låter kanske som ett uppmuntrande till ”omoraliska handlingar”, men i själva verket handlar låten om att våga slå sig fri från relationer/äktenskap som stoppar en från att uppnå sin fulla potential och inre harmoni - antingen genom frihetsberövande eller genom indirekt påverkan i form av t.ex negativitet. Man kommer till en punkt där kärleken till sig själv måste prioriteras framför att ständigt upprätthålla en fasad eller en uttömmande relation.
7. He Needs a Lover may sound like it encourages "immoral actions," but the song is actually about the courage to break free from relationships or marriages that prevent someone from reaching their full potential and inner harmony—whether through direct control or indirect influence, such as negativity. It speaks to the moment when self-love must take precedence over maintaining a facade or draining relationship.
Saturday, he’s the perfect man
Spending time with his wife
Sunday, he’s the perfect dad
Making the children his whole life
Monday, he’s at his work
Serving people, being nice
Friday, the anxiety draws close
Because he knows, he knows
There’s a conflict in his mind
Longing to be free
Wondering if this is
What a marriage should be
Lover, lover, he needs a lover
So he can hide and go undercover
Lover, lover, he craves a lover
So he can fly with her, over and over
He's a hero at home, at events, at his work
But all he wants is to have a
Lover, lover, he needs a lover
So he can hide and go undercover
20 years, and still counting on
Divorce has been on his mind
So many times, he said I can’t go on
Hoping that he could courage find
He tried, but she’s controlling
Not letting him have his own way
Making him a man so boring
Doesn’t even ask if he came
There’s a conflict in his mind
Longing to be free
Wondering if this is
What a marriage should be
Lover, lover, he needs a lover
So he can hide and go undercover
Lover, lover, he craves a lover
So he can fly with her, over and over
He's a hero at home, at events, at his work
But all he wants is to have a
Lover, lover, he needs a lover
So he can hide and go undercover
He has no moral left
He needs to leave
Her ways are a theft
Of his ways and own beliefs
No he needs a lover, a lover
Warm, carefree, fun, happy
Lover, lover, he craves a lover
So he can fly with her, over and over
He's a hero at home, at events, at his work
But all he wants is to have a
Lover, lover, he needs a lover
So he can hide and go undercover
Album: Blue Obsessions
Year: 2024
Lyrics: GINAxC
Music: Generated & GINAxC
Vocals: Generated
Mastering & Editing: GINAxC © Copyright GINAxC