12. Fake Movie Star handlar om att leva ett liv som verkar perfekt på ytan men som egentligen är en fasad. Låten är inspirerad av Harpos Moviestar och tar upp temat om att många fejkar sitt liv för att det ska se bra ut utåt, men under ytan finns det mycket mer. Även om låten innehåller flera filmtitlar, så har jag inte ens sett hälften av dem. Den första meningen som skrevs var :"You knew that I was Mission Impossible".
BACKGROUND 13. Fake Movie Star is about living a life that appears perfect on the surface but is actually a facade. Inspired by Harpo's Moviestar, the song addresses the theme of people faking their lives to look good outwardly, while much more lies beneath the surface. Even though the song includes several movie titles, I haven’t even seen half of them. The first scentence I wrote was: "You knew that I was Mission Impossible". LYRICS - FAKE MOVIE STAR
(Ooohhh… mmm…)
There you are
The man with the perfect lies
Beautiful house
A really loyal wife
Lots of money, spending on this and that
Buying gifts to everyone impress
It’s just a show
I couldn’t care less
Here, have a cocktail
You really need to chill
Can’t bloom my magno-nolia
And you never will
You never will
You think your life is like a movie
You walk around with your eyes wide shut
Flirting and cruising around
Thinking you're hot
Just because you’re reaching it
Doesn’t mean it’s in
With your Top Gun as your biggest weapon
But you knew that I was Mission Impossible
I won’t fall for your game
I didn’t and I won’t
I never will
Who you are? The hit?
Black hair and blue eyes
Smiling and pretending to be nice
I swear you lack something in your bed
Like a wife that never gives you head Give gifts, to everyone impress
It’s just a show
I couldn’t care less
Here, have a cocktail
You really need to chill
Can’t bloom my magnolia
And you never will
You think your life is like a movie
You walk around with your eyes wide shut
Flirting and cruising around
Thinking you're hot
Movies aren’t real
Neither is your façade
Stop pretending you have it all
When I know that you don’t
I haven’t banged you yet, right?
You think your life is like a movie
You walk around with your eyes wide shut
Flirting and cruising around
Thinking you're hot, hot, hot, hot
Album: Blue Obsessions
Year: 2024
Lyrics: GINAxC
Music: Generated & GINAxC
Vocals: Generated
Mastering & Editing: GINAxC© Copyright: GINAxC